TruAge - The Most Advanced Epigenetic Diagnostic Test Of The Future...
TruAge - The Most Advanced Epigenetic Diagnostic Test Of The Future...
Delivered Today.
TruAge reads 425x more spots on the genome than other tests. 850,000 vs. 2,000 from competitors.
What is your
Biological Age?
Everyone knows their chronological age. This is the number of candles that are on top of your birthday cake and the birthdays you celebrate. However, developments in science have created another measurement of age called biologic age. This bio-age is based on years of statistical research which can predict how healthy you are and how long you might live.
It’s not just about lifespan or how long you live. It’s about healthspan, living the longest life without the age-related health problems.
If you could live a longer, healthier life by lowering your risk of age-related diseases and preventing degradation of your energy, focus, and bodily functions, isn’t it worth a look?
Email me with questions.